About Us
Lumas Fitness
Brighton & Hove
Lumas Fitness is a Brighton and Hove based personal training and outdoor fitness company. The company is founded and run by Robyn Lumas, a former 8 year Army Physical Training Instructor. Depending on your goals Robyn can offer her services from your home, desired outdoors location or her very own bespoke private personal training gym situated in the centre of Brighton & Hove with free parking. Robyn is a body transformation specialist. What this means is; she creates and executes highly technical protocols for rapid and substantial body compositional results. ‘Before’ and ‘After’ photos will be conducted monthly to track your progress. Robyn thoroughly enjoys coaching people to achieve the best results whilst demonstrating how fun and sustainable a healthy lifestyle can be with the knowledge she’s accumulated over the years of living and breathing fitness herself.
The typical layout of a transformation would look like this: Day 1: Robyn takes body fat measurements, ‘before’ pictures and conducts a physical health assessment. After the assessment, Robyn calculates your Basal Metabolic Rate (BMR) to prepare a nutrition plan/weekly calorie budget to guide you to your desired goal. You and Robyn then train multiple times a week together, hard(unfortunately, nothing worth having comes easy) but fun and addictive once you see the results. No ounce of unwanted fat is left neglected under the Lumas Fitness training regime. Robyn runs an intense and comprehensive schedule for your results. Every aspect of training is measured, planned and logged. Robyn does not believe in just ‘doing exercise’. Progress must be measured. Day 60. 1st After picture. Within 60 days of training with Robyn (minimum of twice a week) and sticking to your programme, you will see-your 1st noticeable difference from your day 1 picture. Then your on the gains train to progressively more noticeable results!
Group Sessions
Small Group Personal Training
Lumas Fitness also offers small group personal training sessions this option is for those at an intermediate fitness level who have already established a basic level of technique lifting weights. These sessions are capped to 4 people per class to enable you to benefit from a similar level of attention to detail to technique and performance as personal training.
This option is great if you are looking to train in a small community of like-minded people who are all looking to take their health and fitness to the next level. The sessions will be a combination of cardiovascular and muscular fitness. Each member of the group will benefit from having their own olympic barbell and weights enabling participation to be an individual adjustable effort at each participant’s own ability.
Robyn places emphasis on the mind and body being strongly connected. Robyn therefore works on getting a good understanding and working relationship with you to ensure mindset and lifestyle factors are optimised to achieve the best physical results that are sustainable for you.
Robyn prides herself on being able to adopt a versatile approach to achieve your goals. Having spent 8 years in the British Army as a Tri-service Physical Training Instructor, Robyn has experienced and excelled in training a variety of people at different ability levels. Robyn has also been trained by the best in a variety of fitness disciplines. Robyn is therefore able to utilise her experience and expertise to discover which approach is best suited to motivate you and achieve your goals.
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